Welcome to the Mom2Mom Leadership Website! The website is UNDER CONSTRUCTION! New look coming soon!

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What do you want to be known for as a leader?

Take the free challenge and find out!

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Welcome to the Mom2Mom Leadership Website! We appreciate you coming into our community. We aim to inspire you as a leader, so you can inspire others to live in purpose, passion, and love. Join us each week in our Mom2MomLeadership Podcast (on Spotify and  Apple Podcasts) and @mom2momleaderhip on Instagram, where we strive to inspire you, give you tips and tricks to leadership, and go through this motherhood and leadership journey by your side. 



Hey there!






Welcome to Mom2Mom Leadership!

We are thrilled to have you here. We understand the importance of personal development and the impact it can have on all aspects of your life. That's why we are dedicated to helping you grow and become a better leader in your home, community, and career.

 Allow us to introduce ourselves - we are Midge and Erin, a dynamic mother-daughter duo and the CEOs of Mom2Mom Leadership LLC. We strive each day to add value to your life so you can live the life of your dreams.

On our Mom2MomLeadership Podcast, we share insights, stories, and practical tips on leadership. Through this platform, we have built a nurturing community of leaders and moms who are passionate about personal growth.

But our mission doesn't stop there. We also offer leadership courses designed to teach and coach individuals on various leadership topics. With over 40+ years of combined leadership experience, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you develop your skills and influence others through purpose, passion, and love. We believe that by empowering moms to become better leaders, we can make a positive impact on the world, one leader at a time.

Our ultimate goal is to create a community of strong, confident, and compassionate individuals who are committed to making a difference. So, whether you're a mom looking to enhance your leadership skills, a professional seeking personal growth, or simply someone who believes in the power of personal development, you've come to the right place. We’re here to support you on your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

Thank you for choosing us as your partner in personal development. We can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you. Let's grow together!


We can help at every stage.



Online Course


Membership & Community